Saturday, May 12, 2007

Day Four -- glimpses of glory

The fourth day was the creation of the sun and moon. What could that possibly symbolise for a personal spiritual journey? this one, and the next, were the ones I really had to ponder. but what do the sun and moon appear to us as? Brightness, warmth, dazzlement to bright to look upon.. and the moon is the gentler reflection of the blazing sun, more suited to our little human sight. And as we go on, doesn't God encourage us with glimpses of Himself, His glory and wonder, in all kinds of unexpected ways and places? It may be directly suprenatural revelation; for most of us, far more often, it is things like the beauty of this world that makes us catch our breath with awe, or those human moments that pierce our hearts, or the words of His word, leaping off the page to light a fire in our spirits. ..

Let each new morning rise in alleluia song!
Let everything on the earth be glad to know its Lord!
Made for His glory, let it joy to give Him praise!
Made to adore Him, let it name Him as adored!

Soft springing grass, and ocean wave, and dancing breeze
Worship in wonder, know Him as the God who’s here:
See how His love shines forth in every burning star,
See how His mercy cradles and directs each sphere!

See how His mercy cradles and directs me too!
See how He loves me, leads me and appoints my way
Faithful my Father, guiding me towards Himself ..
See how His mercies are renewed to me each day!

And, though this flesh must wait till the transforming hour
To be with Him, my shield and sun and my delight;
Yet He is with me, my heart His abiding-place,
I see my Lord, although it is by faith not sight.

I see His glory, though but faintly and afar.
I see His glory – overwhelmed with love and awe!
I see His glory in the world that he has made
And worship Christ, the end I was created for..

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