Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Reflections Luke 3: 15-18

This is only the beginning, the going down,
Into the darkness that feels like death,
The place where our breathing stops
And he must breathe in us.

This is the preparation, to acquiesce
In the presence of man
And God,
To admit we are helpless,
To admit we were born estranged from Life Eternal,
That we must be born again.

This is only the start, the heart’s surrender,
Letting go,
Letting go,
Letting go
Of self-justification
Of the life that was lived in the self,
From the self,
For the self,
Letting go forever.

Then he shall come
With the Spirit’s unquenchable fire,
With the Love that burns us
Free from the dross,
From the gross,
From the bitter ashes
Of our lost selves;
And the power,
The power that frees us,
Shall sweep us up into his will,
The life that is light,
The love that embraces and carries.

But first we go down.

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